Adriana Segundo El-Farrah provides years of detailed and results driven immigration experience. Our office strives to provide our clients with maximum personal attention and detail-oriented service.
Lic. Adriana Segundo El-Farrah brinda años de experiencia en la practica de leyes inmigratorios a un nivel detallada y orientada a los resultados. Nuestra oficina se esfuerza por brindar a nuestros clientes atención personalizada y un servicio orientado a los detalles siempre.
Planning for the Future, Now
Planeando por el Futuro, Ahora
ASE Law is excited to announce a new practice area of estate planning for every family. Life can change in an instant and we are happy to provide wills, powers of attorney, and probate services to our clients.
ASE Law se complace en anunciar una nueva área de práctica de planificación patrimonial para cada familia. La vida puede cambiar en un instante y nos complace brindar servicios de testamentos, poderes notariales y sucesiones a nuestros clientes.
Immigration Practice Areas
Áreas de Práctica de Inmigración
USCIS Applications and Interviews
Aplicaciones y Entrevistas con USCIS
Legal Permanent Residency
Residencia Permanente
Removal of Conditions
Quitar Condiciones de la Residencia
Work Visas
Visas de Trabajo
Visa and Residency Renewals
Renovaciones de Visa y Residencia
Adriana Segundo El-Farrah
Adriana Segundo El-Farrah is the owner of the Law Office of Adriana Segundo El-Farrah, PLLC a multifaceted practice focused on family-based immigration, both in the United States and abroad, through U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world. With over a decade of legal experience, Adriana has aided hundreds of clients navigate the complexities of U.S. immigration law to a successful conclusion.
Adriana has a passion for service in both her profession and community. She currently serves on the Leadership Committee for the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, is school board member of The Gathering Place and is involved with Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas on the Fund Development Committee and Lotería para Líderes Fiesta Committee.
She has previously served as Vice President of the San Antonio Bar Association, Immigration and Nationality section and as Chair of the Communication and Publications Committee and Chair of Refugee and Asylee issues of the State Bar of Texas Immigration and Nationality Section.
Through the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Adriana served as the co-chair for Class 5 of the Latina Leadership Institute in 2020. She is also an alumna of Leadership San Antonio, Class 44, Latina Leadership Institute, Class 3, and the City of San Antonio's Neighborhood Leadership Academy.
She holds a bachelor's degree in Government from the University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctorate from St. Mary's University.
Contact Us
(210) 596-9984
Consults by Appointment Only
Consultas solamente por Cita
The Law office of
adriana segundo el-farrah